Residential Moving: 4 Tips To Protect Yourself Against Injuries During Your Move

10 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Relocating involves a lot of coordination and tedious work that might lead to injuries. The work—which often includes heavy lifting and long standing and bending hours—can expose you to a high risk of injuries or property damage. One way to protect yourself against injuries during a relocation is by hiring residential movers. This piece will provide useful tips to protect yourself against injuries during your upcoming move.

1. Handle and Wrap Sharp Objects Carefully

When putting items in boxes, give special attention to sharp objects like knives, tools, and gardening tools. Professional movers prefer to wrap sharp objects in bubble wrap or packing paper to protect themselves against the sharp edges. You can use towels, clothing, and old sheets for added cushion and protection. Consider storing sharp objects in a single box and label it to indicate that it needs proper handling when loading or unpacking.

2. Reliable Moving Equipment

Once your possessions are packed in boxes, you'll need to find a suitable way to haul them to the truck. Heavy lifting can cause severe back strains and injuries. When you hire a professional moving service, they provide access to various moving and handling equipment.

Dollies and carts carry heavy boxes and appliances easily, making work easier. You can set ramps over the staircase, making it easier to use dollies and carts when moving items from upstairs. Ramps are also useful when loading and unloading boxes from the track. The use of equipment ensures safety by avoiding heavy manual lifting.

3. Avoid Pushing Past Your Limits

Decluttering and packing ahead of the move requires time and energy. Knowing when to ask for help is important if the work is too much. If disassembling and hauling your bed is too heavy to handle yourself and you don't have the right equipment, you'll need an extra set of hands. Pushing yourself beyond your limits can be dangerous. It leads to clumsiness, severe fatigue, and injuries.

Professional residential movers offer quick and reliable services. You can count on them to provide the extra trained hands you need to complete the moving process on time and safely.

4. Pay Attention to Your Health

Stretch your muscles and limbs to make yourself less vulnerable to injury. Your body needs to be fit to run throughout the house, carry boxes, and stand all day. If you have knee or back problems, consult your doctor first and consider working with residential movers to help you.

Preventing injuries during a move requires preparation, professional help, and a few useful tips, as discussed above. Consider working with a professional residential moving service to help with your move and guarantee safety.
